Week of June 21

Dear Friends


I read a wise word this week. Someone said, “God’s church does not have a mission; God’s mission has a church!”  I found that profoundly challenging and affirming. The glory of the church is that we are caught up in what God is doing in and for his creation heading towards his consummation.  Let me share with you a few ways in which Christ the Redeemer has been ‘so caught up’:


Missional Giving Opportunities:

  • Our ‘Mbyo School Project’ Campaign ends on Sunday, June 21. Our hope is to raise enough funds this year to build two new classrooms onto their existing school (with four more classrooms needed in the years to come!).  We have been amazed at the generosity of God’s people to date and encourage those who have not yet made a pledge to do so by Sunday.

  • Incarnation Anglican Church in Williamsburg, VA.  We received a report from James Swynford+, the priest and planter of the new ACNA work in Williamsburg. We will be supporting the Swynfords and Incarnation for the next three years. Their report may be found on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. I encourage you to read it and rejoice in what God is doing in our area.

  • Park Place School Summer Program:  This is the first year that Park Place School has been able to run a summer program for their students. I am grateful that they are able to do so because our Mission group decided to fund the cost ($5,000) from our mission budget. We cannot do everything, but we can do some things and do them as well as we can for the glory of the King and the extension of his Kingdom.

Ministry Opportunities:

  • Vacation Bible School begins on Monday, June 29 and runs through Friday, July 3. Jennifer and her crew will begin to decorate our space on Monday June 22 and could use some willing hands!  Additionally, if you have some time to donate I am sure Jennifer can find a task for you to perform; and while not all of us can be present during the week, we all can be praying for it!  Contact Jennifer at brownie7506@yahoo.com.

  • Five Loaves Food Pantry:  We will be helping bag some food and serve the evening meal at the Food Pantry in Newport News on Tuesday July 28 (4:00 to 7:30 pm). Jennifer is needing a ‘head count’ of those who intend to be present (if we have enough we may be able to give Brother Tim’s regulars a night off!). Please prayerfully consider participating in this fun ministry and let Jennifer know that you are coming (brownie7506@yahoo.com).

Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.