Here are a few things going on this week at Christ the Redeemer:
Vacation Bible School registration is now open and forms can be picked up from the table in the narthex or can be downloaded here. Give forms to Jennifer or email them to Hope to see all the kiddos there! We are still in need of the following items: All white men’s ankle socks (50 pairs), Baby food jars with the labels removed, Battery operated tealight candles, Clear shower caps, Clear water bottle caps, Fish stickers, Glue dots, Soup cans (empty, standard size with the labels removed), and Two spools of fishing line.
Starting this week we will be having Children’s Church during our Sunday school time for ages 3 years old through 5th grade. Our two year olds will join our nursery crew for the summer. Children’s Church will meet in the ministry room (the large room next to the women’s restroom).
If you are looking for a fun and easy way to serve, please think about signing up for Hospitality. You can either sign up on the sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall or by going to Login Name: hospitality Password: food You can bring a little or a lot, or you can sign up with a friend!
A Note from the Treasurer: We are blessed to have a caring church family who responds when members are in need. Some have donated to Fr. Brian’s Discretionary Fund and he has used those funds to help when an unexpected crisis like a fire, medical expense, or family emergency has occurred. He has even given to some in the community with one-time rent assistance. We have had quite a few needs within our church family this year and the Discretionary Fund is just about depleted. Please prayerfully consider giving to this fund. Checks can be made payable to Christ the Redeemer with Discretionary Fund in the memo line and placed in the offering basket or given to Janie Atwood.
It’s time to celebrate! Thank you to all who have pledged to this year’s project for our sister parish in Mbyo. It appears that over $11,000 has been pledged by 17 ‘family units’ (individuals or families associated with Christ the Redeemer) for 2016/17. We are well on the way towards our goal of $20,000 needed for the second phase of the project to become a reality (an additional two classrooms for their growing school). If you have not yet had the chance to pledge towards this worthy project, please feel free to do so at any time. But take some time to give thanks to God for the generosity of his people and the privilege of partnering with him in the renewing of all things.
I look forward to worshiping with all of you on Sunday.