Firstly, please join us this evening for our Lenten ‘Call to Prayer’ Service from 5:00-6:00 PM. We will gather for a time of reflection on the Scriptures, a guided time focusing on and leading towards repentance, and a guided time of intercession for our community. All are welcomed and strongly encouraged to come to one or all of the sessions.
Here are a few other things coming up at Christ the Redeemer:
1.Next Sunday, March 26th, is the deadline to register for the CtR Men’s Softball Team. The information is as follows:
Season begins April 14th
Season consists of 16 games on Tuesday nights
Cost is $30 per person
Checks should be made to Christ the Redeemer with “Softball” in the memo line
2. There is still time to sign up for the Women’s Retreat if you haven’t yet done so. We have a wonderful time of prayer and fellowship, so please join us. Contact Janie Atwood at for more information.
3. Vacation Bible School will be June 26-30 this year. Since it will be more ‘missional’ with a lot of outreach to our local community this year, we will need lots of volunteers for everything, from prepping scenery to being group leaders. Please contact Jennifer Brown if you are willing and able to help in any way.
4. There will be a new Thursday morning Women’s Bible Study beginning this week on March 23rd in the CtR Fellowship Hall at 9:15 AM. They will be discussing the book, Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life by Tish Harrison Warren. The book can be purchased through our Amazon store here. Childcare is provided. Contact Janis Campbell for more info:
5. Several of our families have requested to prepare their children for the Sacrament of Baptism. We will gladly take on this task and look towards a celebration of Baptism sometime during Eastertide (April 30 through end of May). If you are considering this for yourself and/or your child, please let Fr. Brian know by March 26.
I look forward to worshiping with you all tomorrow.