Here’s what’s happening at Christ the Redeemer:
Looking Ahead to Holy Week
We are already halfway through our Lenten Journey, which means that Holy Week is just around the corner.
Palm Sunday – April 14th, 10:15am. We will gather in Fellowship Hall to “Bless the Palm Branches”, then process into the Sanctuary to worship the King!
Evening Prayer during Holy Week –
- Monday, April 15th, 7:00pm
- Tuesday, April 16th, 7:00pm
- Wednesday, April 17th, 7:00pm
Maundy Thursday – April 18th, 6:00pm
- We will share a meal together, participate in foot washing, and then process to the Sanctuary to celebrate the Eucharist. The service ends in the darkness of Gethsemane by “Stripping the Chancel”
- Please respond to the Evite for the Maundy Thursday meal. If you didn’t receive it, let us know (
- Prayer vigil immediately following the Maundy Thursday service.
Good Friday Service – April 19th, 6pm
We gather in our stripped-down Sanctuary to reflect on the Passion and to pray with, and as, the repentant and grateful church.
Holy Saturday Morning Prayer – April 20th, 10am
Easter Sunday – April 21st, 10:15am
We join together in saying “Alleluia! The Lord is Risen!”
Local Missions Begin During Easter!
The Basics for Babies and Toddlers
CtR will be hosting The Basics, starting Tuesday, April 23rd at 11:30am. This is a 5-week informal class for caregivers and parents of children from birth to age 3. Every Tuesday during the program, we will introduce a new “basic” (see the Five Basics listed above, or at Do you know of a parent that would benefit from this program? Please invite them! It is free and there will be a lunch provided. For more information or to register, email Sydney at
Alpha with Janis & David

Everyone should have a chance to explore the Christian faith, ask questions and share their point of view. The Alpha class gives you the opportunity to do that! These classes will start Thursday, April 25th at 6:30pm, and will meet weekly on Thursdays. Do you know someone who would be interested in attending the Alpha Classes? Contact Deacon David at, or Janis at for more info or check out
Looking forward to worshipping with you all on Sunday!