Week of March 26

Dear Friends,
Firstly, here is an important note from Jordan O’Byrne:
My friend and apartment mate is moving out when our lease comes to an end in June. I am hoping to find a guy who can commit to a year’s lease ending next summer.
My apartment is just a few blocks from the CtR in the beautiful and quiet Colonial Place neighborhood. If you know of anyone who may be looking for a place to rent in Norfolk please call or email me for more information!
Peace be with you,
Jordan O’Byrne
Cell: (757) 375-3023
Email: obi.y.kenobi@gmail.com
Here are a few other things going on right now at Christ the Redeemer:
Please join us this evening for our Lenten ‘Call to Prayer’ Service from 5:00-6:00 PM. We will gather for a time of reflection on the Scriptures, a guided time focusing on and leading towards repentance, and a guided time of intercession for our community. All are welcomed and strongly encouraged to come to one or all of the sessions.
Several of our families have requested to prepare their children for the Sacrament of Baptism. We will gladly take on this task and look towards a celebration of Baptism on Sunday, May 28, 2017. If you are considering this for yourself and/or your child, please let Fr. Brian know by tomorrow, or at least as soon as possible. Brian@ChristtheRedeemer.org
There are two new Women’s Bible studies starting up:
  • The new Thursday morning Bible Study began last week, but it’s not too late to join them.  They meet in the CtR Fellowship Hall at 9:15 AM.  Childcare is provided.  Contact Janis Campbell for more info: janiscampbell58@gmail.com
  • The new Wednesday evening Bible Study begins this week on March 29th at Temple’s house at 7:00 PM.  They will be studying “Finding I Am” by Lysa Terkurst.  They welcome and encourage new members.  Contact Temple Richardson at 489-7805 for more info.
The next Discipleship Hour session begins on April 30, 2017.  One of the classes that will be offered is the ‘Exploring Membership’ class.  If you are new to Christ the Redeemer or if you have been with us for a while and are moved to deepen your relationship with the church,  you are highly encouraged to sign up for the class. Please contact Fr. Brian to sign up or for more information. Brian@ChristtheRedeemer.org
I look forward to worshiping with you all tomorrow.