We are coming up on one of the busiest seasons of the year! Make sure you read until the end so you are up-to-speed on the upcoming events at Christ the Redeemer and in our community.
Happening this Weekend:
Saturday, March 2nd, 8:30am – 11:45am at CtR
Global Student Friendship (GSF) International Prayer and Training: There will be a time of focused prayer for international student ministry from 8:30am-10:00am, and a training on ministering cross-culturally to international students/scholars from 10:15am-11:45am. Feel free to attend just the prayer or just the training, or both! If you plan to go to the training, please RSVP by tomorrow, March 1st to Kurnia Foe at kurniafoe@gmail.com.
Sunday, March 3rd, 12:00pm – 1:15pm (following the worship service)
Quarterly Congregational Meeting: We will begin the meeting with a Potluck lunch, hear a presentation concerning the Sunday School “shift” , and then address any questions or concerns you may have about this development. We will also be using this time to update our church directory. Here is a link to update your information online: https://servantkeeper.com/member-portal/christtheredeemer , or if you prefer pen and paper, we will have forms available to fill out. Please plan to bring a dish to share for the Potluck lunch. Childcare will be provided, so everyone is invited to stick around after the service and attend the lunch and important meeting!
Preparing for Lent
- Palm Crosses – This is the last Sunday to bring in your palm crosses! The palms are being collected in the baptismal font, to be burned at our Shrove Tuesday gathering for ashes on Ash Wednesday.
- Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner: Tuesday, March 5th, 6pm. Please respond to the Evite by tomorrow if you haven’t already! If you didn’t receive it, please let us know (admin@christtheredeemer.org).
- Ash Wednesday Service: Wednesday, March 6th, 6pm.
First Week of Lent
- Discipleship Hour – We will be reading through Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation by Ruth Haley Barton. We would love for you to read along with us, as well as participate in the class if possible.
- First Sunday in Lent – March 10th -Please arrive promptly at 10:15am for the service. During Lent, latecomers are asked to wait until the end of the Penitential Rite before entering the Sanctuary.
- Thursday Morning Women’s Group – Beginning March 14th, this group will be reading through Preparing for Easter, Fifty Devotional Readings from C.S. Lewis. All women are welcome and childcare is available. If you need childcare, please speak to Janis Campbell (janiscampbell58@gmail.com).
Upcoming Events
Children’s Ministry Update for the Spring Quarter: Check out the latest news from Director Jennifer Brown, over on the Children’s Ministry page!
New to Christ the Redeemer?: Father Brian and Janis Campbell will be hosting a dinner for newcomers and visitors to CtR on March 10th from 5:30-7:30pm. Join them for an informal evening of conversation. To RSVP if you’d like to attend, please email janiscampbell58@gmail.com.
Park Place School Spring Luncheon:
Tuesday, April 2, 10:45am-1:15pm at Myers Hall, Congregation Beth El.
Dine, shop, and celebrate Park Place’s community partners who are changing children’s lives! Auction and art items will be for sale starting at 10:45am. Lunch begins promptly at 11:30am and will conclude promptly at 12:30pm. There will be time available after the luncheon to finalize purchases and take a tour of the school. Please RSVP to aphillips@parkplaceschool.org.
“The Basics” Program: Tuesday, April 23rd, 11:30am through May 21st. This will be a five-week class for parents and caregivers of children from birth to age three. For more info. click here, or contact Sydney at ctrsec@gmail.com.
It is a joy and a privilege to be entering into this Lenten season with all of you!