What a great way to start our Lenten Season! Our Ash Wednesday Service was both serious and joyful. intentional and expectant. Praise God.
Now, as we have begun, let us continue! Here are some ways to help you do just that:
First, Our Lenten Service of Repentance and Intercession takes place Saturday, March 4 from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.
We have been called to a ‘Season of Prayer’ for the future of our community (so that we may ‘live into’ God’s vision for us), and this is one way of doing so. The evening will consist of three parts: a brief reflection on God’s word; a guided time for personal reflection and repentance; and a guided time of intercession for our church
I encourage all associated with Christ the Redeemer to commit to coming to at least one of the five Saturday evenings during Lent (and as many as you can). Let us together seek God’s presence and listen for his voice this Season.
Second, Our Lenten Worship on Sunday mornings. Lent is an unique Season and has an unique ‘feel’ to its worship. We will begin with the Penitential rite (including the Decalogue) each week. I encourage you to be seated and prepared by 10:00 am during the Season (the doors will be closed during the Penitential rite–opened during the singing of our songs of Praise).
Third, Our resources for making the most of Lent are readily available for you on the Resource Table in the Fellowship Hall. Please stop by and pick up those that are applicable to you and your family, and take the time to prayerfully and intentionally craft your Lenten discipline.