Spring and Eastertide and Mission (‘New Creation’ blossoming within the ‘Old’) just seem to go together. Let me remind you of our missional opportunities of this new season:
RWANDAN SCHOOL PROJECT LUNCH AND PRESENTATION takes place next Sunday, May 17 immediately following worship. We will enjoy a catered lunch, good fellowship, and a presentation concerning an exciting project in Mbyo, Rwanda that we have been invited to participate in. Mark you calendars now and make sure you are present next Sunday.
COMPASSION SPONSORSHIP: This is the last opportunity for you to pick up one of the sponsor packets we have on site for children in Rwanda. The packets may be found on the table underneath the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall.
PARK PLACE SCHOOL MENTORSHIP: If you have an open heart and one hour a week you can make a huge difference in a child’s life right here at home! If you would like to mentor a student at Park Place School please contact Schylar Harrison at 757-624-3473.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Jennifer asks that all of those who volunteered to provide materials for VBS bring them in to the church by this Sunday, May 10 (if you need to you can drop them off at church Thursday between 9 am and 1 pm). Also, registration is now open. Please ensure that your children are registered, and consider prayerfully inviting a friend (especially those not yet connected to any church) to bring their children along as well.
On Sunday, May 10 Janis and I will be in Harrisonburg for Ian’s graduation. I am grateful for the Rev. Dan Waterman for agreeing to celebrate and preach in my absence. You are in good hands this Sunday.