We celebrate the exaltation of our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Christ of Israel, to the right hand of the Father. We also celebrate the gracious fact that ‘(our) live(s) are hidden with Christ in God”, a fact which gives us confidence and hope that ‘when Christ who is (our) life appears, then (we) also will appear with him in glory” (Colossians 3:3-4). Take some time today to reflect on, and give thanks for, these glorious realities.
Here are some of the things you need to know this week:
First, some Pastoral News:
Delbra Moore had some great news this past Monday arising from her most recent scans. Each of her tumors have shrunk by 50%. This is both unexpected and glorious news, and we are asked to rejoice with her and her family (and to continue to pray that this trend continues). Praise God.
Lytton Musselman is preparing for his back surgery on May 15. Please join with him and Libby in praying for God’s will to be done in and through the surgery.
Second, some news regarding Pentecost:
Baptismal Preparation takes place on Saturday, May 12, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 am at the church for the parents of those being baptized on Pentecost.
‘ANNUAL TALENT SHOW’ takes place on the Eve of Pentecost, Saturday May 19. Plan now on joining in on the fun: We begin with a Covered-Dish supper at 5:45 p.m., enjoy the fun of the Talent Show at 6:15 p.m., then end by 7:30 p.m. with a (family-friendly) Service of Evening Prayer which will prepare us for worship on Sunday. Please respond to the EVITE that was sent out this week to give Jennifer a heads-up for planning purposes.
Third, some news on the Search Process:
The Wardens (Paul Gyorfi and Pete Fraser) and I have completed the second phase of our interview process and have reached a unanimous consensus to continue the process with one of the candidates, David Watts from Boston, MA. David is a deacon in one of our sister churches in Boston and appears to have the gifts, passions, and experience we have been looking for. We have invited David to come to Norfolk on the weekend of Pentecost (May 18 -20) to meet with the Council, to get to know the congregation (he will be with us at the Talent Show and for worship on Sunday, May 20), and continue the deliberations seeking the direction of the Spirit.
Please continue to pray for all involved in the process, that God’s will be discerned and done, and God’s kingdom come.
Fourth, some events coming up:
Jennifer Brown is hosting a Mom’s Coffee at her home (1620 Mount Pleasant Road, Chesapeake) on Friday, May 18 at 10:00 a.m. Bring a snack if you wish. Contact Jennifer for directions or questions.
The Men’s Group will meet Friday, May 22, 7:00 p.m. at the home of Bruce Harper (1049 Hanover Avenue, Norfolk). All men are invited. Contact Zach Kuenzli for directions or questions.
Looking forward to worshipping with you all on Sunday.