Here are some of the things to note for this week and the coming weeks:
This Sunday, May 6, we are blessed to have Charlie Watkins preaching. His sermon topic is, “Awaiting God’s Promises; a Key to Opening God’s Next Door.”
Also this Sunday, May 6, immediately following worship, there will be a meeting of all those interested in being part of a discussion regarding the development of a vibrant youth ministry. If you have an interest in seeing Christ the Redeemer develop a way of life that ministers effectively to and with our youth (and their families), enabling them to grow up into the full stature of Christ, plan now to attend this important meeting.
Next Saturday, May 12,Baptismal Preparation for all parents of those being baptized will take place from 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.
Friday, May 18, at 10:00 a.m. Jennifer Brown will host a Mom’s Coffee at her home. For directions or details, contact her (
Saturday, May 19thThe Annual CtR Talent Show takes place on the Eve of Pentecost, beginning with a covered dish supper at 5:45 pm. This has been a fun and inter-generational way of celebrating the multiple talents (both serious and silly) God has birthed within us, and great way to segue into the Celebration of Pentecost. For more information, or to ‘sign up’ your talent, contact Jennifer (
The Wednesday Evening Women’s Study continues to meet at the home of Temple Richardson each week at 7:00 p.m. until June 13th, when they will break for the Summer. They are currently studying “The God You Thought You Knew,” by Alex McFarland, and welcome all women to attend.
The second phase of our Search for an Assistant continues this week. Please continue to pray for all concerned in this as in all things.