Week of May 7, 2017

Dear CtR Family,
Here are a few things going on here at Christ the Redeemer:
First, our new session of Discipleship Hour classes began last Sunday, but it is not too late to join!  If you are interested in joining our “Exploring Membership at Christ the Redeemer”  class or “The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story” class, please let Fr. Brian know as soon as possible. Brian@ChristtheRedeemer.org
Second, some information about Vacation Bible School, June 26-30:
  • If you have signed up to bring a donated item for VBS, please bring it this Sunday.
  • We are in need of help for the following two areas:
    1. Someone to man the Mission site
    2. Someone to man the Games site
  • Registration begins May 21st, so mark your calendar!
For more information on VBS, please contact Jennifer at brownie7506@yahoo.com.
Lastly, if you are missing anything, please check the ‘Lost and Found’ basket on top of the cabinets in the back room off the Fellowship Hall, or check with Georgia to see if anything has been turned in to the office.
I look forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.