Week of October 16

Dear Friends,
Here are some important things going on here at CtR:
Firstly, an update on Linda Richter: she is now home, resting and comfortable.  She still has several months of recovery ahead of her, so please keep her and Bill in your prayers for the coming months.  For now, we have set up sign-ups for meals using the Take Them a Meal website.  Please go to the link below to sign up to take her and Bill a meal or two in the coming weeks:
Take Them a Meal/Linda Richter
You can look her up by her name, with the password family.  For any questions, please contact Georgia Maas at (618)980-3354 or Wendy Giancoli at 686-8373.
Next, the first New Member class is this Wednesday, October 19th beginning at 7:30 PM.  It is not too late to sign up!  If you are interested in deepening your relationship with Christ the Redeemer, see Fr. Brian after church on Sunday or email him at Brian@ChristtheRedeemer.org as soon as possible.  The rest of the classes are scheduled as follows:
  • Wednesday, October 26, 2016  7:30-9:00 PM
  • Saturday, October 29, 2016  9 AM-Noon
  • Saturday, November 12, 2016  9 AM-Noon
*There will be two supplemental sessions on two Sundays, October 30th and November 6th from 9-9:45 AM before church.
Some other happenings here at CtR:
Due to changes in the lives of those faithfully serving on the Altar Team, there is a critical need for more of the CtR family to serve in this quiet, essential ministry.  Please see Anne Reed Harper (or call her at 757-289-5181) if you are willing to serve.
We are collecting Thanksgiving Food Bags for GAM to help feed those who are less fortunate for the holidays. GAM have given us a list of items to include non-perishable food items as well as grocery gift cards for the purchase of turkeys and fresh vegetables.  Please see the sign-up sheet and pick up a grocery list in the Fellowship Hall.  For more info, contact Anne Reed Harper at 757-289-5181.
Starting next Sunday, October 23rd, we will begin collecting the items needed for the gift bags for Park Place School.  Please keep your eye out for an email regarding the list of needed items.  Thank you!
Also next Sunday, October 23rd, the ladies of CtR are having a baby shower for Stephanie Bufford.  If for some reason you did not receive an invitation and would like to attend, please contact Jennifer Brown at brownie7506@yahoo.com or 651-4621.
I look forward to worshiping with you all tomorrow.