There are a number of things to take note of this week:
First, the Men’s Group meets on Saturday, October 17 (8:30- 10:00 am). We are beginning our study of Scott McNight’s Jesus Creed (the first 2 chapters), but if you have not yet purchased the book (or read the chapters) come along anyways and join in on the discussion and fellowship. We meet in the Ministry Room next to the Women’s rest room.
Second, our “Exploring Membership at Christ the Redeemer’ class starts at the end of the month (Friday, October 30 7- 8:30 and Saturday, October 31, 9 am-1 pm). If you have questions about the class, or want to ‘sign up’ for it, please speak to Brian ( or 757-284-8246).
Third, our Newcomers Dinner takes place this Sunday at the Campbell’s (1019 Manchester Ave, Norfolk 23508). If you have not yet RSVP’ed to the Evite please do so soon.
Fourth, Our First (and hopefully Annual) Chili Bowl takes place a week from this Saturday (October 24). You can either join in on the fun Flag Football game at Lafayette Park (4:00 pm start), or participate in the ‘Chili Supper and Cook-Off’ at the church at 6;00 pm, or BOTH! Please RSVP to Jennifer at or Georgia at
Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.