Week of September 10, 2017

These are the events to be aware of happening at Christ the Redeemer in the coming week and beyond:

Chilldrens Ministry Volunteer Training: Jennifer Brown has been facilitating a training session for all volunteers in Children’s Ministry (Sunday School teachers, Discipleship Hour helpers, Nursery workers). This is mandatory for all current teachers and for any future volunteers.  If you want to get involved in this fun and vital ministry your last chance to attend training is this Saturday September 9th at 9:30 am at the church. Contact Jennifer to register or with questions: brownie7506@yahoo.com
Renovation Project Help Needed: We will be knocking down a wall in the church and need people and trucks this Saturday, September 9th. If you can help, please contact Bob Atwood for details – (314) 614-8629.

There are a number of things happening before, during and after this Sunday’s Worship:

  1. Discipleship Hour: will begin this Sunday, September 10th at 9 am. There will be two classes for adults and one for children. Details can be found on the website. All youth are welcome to participate in the adult classes.
  2. There will be a Liturgical Welcome for New Members during worship this Sunday, September 10th. (If you have attended membership classes in the past and have never participated in the Welcome ceremony, please feel free to join with us in this Sunday’s ceremony.)
  3. A Congregational Meeting will be held after worship this Sunday so that the Leadership Council may share with us many developments they have been working on.
Two Women’s Studies will begin this week: Wednesday, nights at 7 pm beginning September 13 and Thursday mornings at 9:15 beginning September 14. Details of the courses may be found on the website and in the bulletin insert. All women are encouraged to come to one or both of these opportunities.
Bishop Steve Breedlove and his wife, Sally, will be will us October 6th-8th. There will be a Confirmation ceremony on Sunday, October 8th during worship. If you desire to be confirmed on October 8th, you must contact Brian as soon as possible. There will be a short teaching time concerning the rite of confirmation after worship on Sunday September 24th. (Please note – for those who attended the Question and Answer session – the date has been changed from September 17th) 
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday.