We are officially into the Fall season (not waiting on the equinox) and there are a number of things to note this week:
First, Our Leadership Council meets on Saturday for a day of visioning. Please be in prayer for all who gather, that we might discern the will of God together.
Second, for any members of Christ the Redeemer who are considering being confirmed in the faith within the ‘Anglican Tradition’ (and who, if appropriate, do so when Bishop Steve visits us on October 9), please come to an ‘Exploration’ Q and A. after worship this Sunday, September 11 (We will gather in the Ministry Room next to the Women’s Rest Room).
Third, if you would like to deepen your connection with Christ the Redeemer, and are considering taking our ‘Exploring Membership Class’ but have some questions, please come to a Q. and A. session after worship on Sunday, September 18.
Fourth, please note that our two Women’s groups (Wednesday Evenings and Thursday mornings) have started this week! It is not too late to join in on the fun, learning, and fellowship. Please check out the offerings on the website (christtheredeemer.org) under Ministries>Women’s Ministries.
Fifth, I have some more good news concerning Linda Richter. She continues to show incremental improvement in her kidney functioning numbers, and has begun to take some solid food for the first time in over a month! Bill suspects that she will remain in the hospital through the weekend but is expecting a return home sometime next week. Continue to pray for the family, but remember to give thanks for the healing already received.