September has arrived and our fall season is about to begin. Here are some of the things you need to be aware of as we look expectantly to the near future:
Home Group Informational Meeting—this Sunday, September 13th, right after the service: Are you looking to connect with other church members outside of church? We have several home groups and Bible studies that meet regularly for prayer and fellowship. Please grab a cup of coffee and join us immediately following worship to find out what we have to offer for individuals and families.
Fall Women’s and Men’s Groups all start up again beginning this coming week.
Here are a few groups starting up again for this fall:
Wednesday Nights from 7-9 PM beginning September 16th Please contact Temple Richardson 489-7805 or We will be studying Phyllis Shirer’s “Putting on the Armor of God”. Books are $12.99 to follow and do homework based on the video. You may purchase books the first night. Temple will need to have an RSVP so I can purchase the right number of books.
Thursday Mornings at 9:15 AM beginning September 17th in the CtR fellowship room. Contact Janis Campbell at 284-8245 or We will be studying Beth Moore’s “Children of the Day”, a 9 week study on 1 & 2 Thessalonians.
Saturday Mornings from 8:30-10 AM beginning September 19th the Men’s Group will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Please contact Brian+ at 284-8246.
*All of these groups gladly welcome new members*
New Member Class Informational Meeting—Sunday, September 20th: Are you interested in becoming a member here at Christ the Redeemer? If you are feeling the call to deepen your relationship with Christ the Redeemer, please grab a cup of coffee and attend the informational meeting after church on Sunday, September 20th.
10th Anniversary Dinner and Bishop’s Visit—Saturday, September 26th: If you haven’t already done so, please RSVP for our 10th Anniversary Dinner, as we have set a deadline of Sunday, September 20th. Also, please sign up for the potluck at Login: Christ the Redeemer Password: dinner
Serve the City—October 3rd: We will be participating with other local churches in serving the neighborhood of Park Place with the love of Jesus. The organizers need to know ‘who’ is planning on helping out, and ‘what’ they might be able to help with (in order to establish appropriate projects within the neighborhood). You can pick up a registration brochure at church this Sunday. Deadline for registration is Sunday September 20.
Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.