Week of September 17, 2017


The Fall is a time of new beginnings, and I urge you to take advantage of the season to act on the Spirit’s prompting in your life!  Here are some ways to do that:
First, ‘Discipleship Hour’ has begun and it is not too late to join in on the learning and fellowship.  We meet from 9:00 – 10:00 am on Sunday mornings with a focus on Stewardship-both financial and personal.  We are encouraging our Home Groups to participate together this season.  As a reminder:  The Reed, Fraser, and Brown groups are taking the ‘Financial’ class (along with the Leadership Council),  The Embry, Gyorfi, and Harper groups are participating in the ‘Gifts/Personal’ class.
Second, Our Confirmation Service takes place on Sunday, October 8.  Why would one seek confirmation, and who should do so?  If you have been led into membership with our ‘local’ church,  Confirmation is a way of celebrating that movement while seeking the blessing and empowering of the wider church, through the laying-on-of-hands by our bishop.  If you have participated in our ‘Exploring Membership Class’ and would like to be confirmed, please speak directly to Brian+ and plan on being at a brief time of preparation after worship on Sunday September 24.
Third, Last Sunday the Leadership Council presented our ‘Three-Five Year Goal’ and asked for the prayers and participation of all associated with Christ the Redeemer:
“We are committed to SEEK the Spirit’s direction for INTENTIONAL GROWTH –in Depth and Breadth—LEADING to STABILITY and PERMANENCE of the ‘Mother’ and the BIRTH of a ‘Daughter’ Church.”
We commend this goal to all of us.
Fourth, We need your help!  Our building has seen a recent increase in rodent activity (two of our chairs in the sanctuary have been seriously damaged by our food seeking friends).  Until further notice, we must stop bringing food into the sanctuary (drink for the moment is allowed).  Can we also ask parents to be sure to clean up after their children wherever they spend their ‘fellowship’ time  after worship?
Looking Ahead:  Some important dates to remember:
October 6- 8      Bishop Steve and Sally Breedlove’s visit
October 17          6-8 pm  An Evening of pizza and information with 2 Christian workers who have been ministering to Muslims in Egypt and the Middle East
February 2-4        Women’s Retreat at the Oceanfront (mark your calendar now!)
Looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday.