Here are a few upcoming events to be aware of and plan for:
Discipleship Hour Returns
This Sunday, September 2nd, is the last day you will be able to fill in and place the golden Discipleship Hour sign-up sheet in the plate during the offering. The following Sunday, September 9, 2018, two adult discipleship classes and one children’s class will begin at 9:00 a.m. Children’s Sunday School also begins September 9th, with a breakfast, during worship.
Please make every effort to let us know if you and/or your children intend to participate in the classes so we can prepare enough materials. If you do not have access to the bulletin insert (descriptions of the classes are at the church website under the “Ministries,” then “Discipleship Hour” tabs), you may sign-up by phoning the church office (757-226-8700) or emailing the church office. Let us know which of the two adult classes you will attend and if your children will attend the children’s class and/or the nursery during Discipleship Hour.
Women’s Bible Studies Return
The Wednesday Evening Women’s Group resumes with a pot luck dinner, September 12th at 7 p.m. at Temple Richardson’s home. The study will be “The Attributes of God,” using books by Tozer and Pink.
The Thursday Morning Women’s Group resumes September 13th at 9:15 a.m. in the fellowship hall. For the Thursday morning group, Childcare is provided, and the book, “Practicing the King’s Economy, Honoring Jesus in how we Work, Earn, Spend and Save” will be discussed. All women are welcome to both groups.
Quarterly Congregational Meeting
We will have an important quarterly congregational meeting after worship September 16, 2018, so mark you calendars now and plan to stay. Our newly updated child safety policy, David Watts’ duties and the Discipleship Hour offerings and framework will be presented.
Bishop’s Visit, Baptism and Confirmation
Bishop Quigg Lawrence will be with us Sunday, October 7, 2018. If you or a member of your family wishes to be baptized, or you participated in the “Walking Through the Catechism” classes this year and wish to be confirmed, let Father Brian know before next Sunday, September 9th so preparations can be made.
Attention All Parents
There will be a parent/family meeting after worship October 21st for all parents of children under the age of 18. Please mark this date on your calendar now and make every effort to attend.
Pastoral Update
In Father Brian’s absence, (August 30th – September 6th) all questions/concerns may be addressed to David Watts at the church office.