Week of Sunday, August 18th, 2019

A Word from Father Brian about our Pledge Drive:

Our Leadership Council meets on Saturday morning to begin our reflections on our collective response to the questions posed: ‘Could Spurgeon be the new home God has in store for us?’, and if so, ‘What is God leading me/us to contribute towards the purchase?’

Thank you to all who have prayerfully considered and responded to the questions.

If you have not yet done so, I urge you to respond by Friday afternoon at the latest (The link to the Survey Monkey can be found here: CtR Survey Monkey Pledge Card; or you can simply email your responses to Janie Atwood: maryjaneatwood@gmail.com ). We truly desire and need to hear your voice; to hear your prayerful reflections on the questions posed.

The Leadership Council is committed to asking the question: ‘Is God in this?’ One of the primary ways the Council will answer that question is through their prayerful reflections on our collective responses.

We are remarkably at peace about the process and are eager to hear what the Spirit is saying to us and through us about these things. Please commit to pray for the Council as we meet on Saturday. We trust we will make a preliminary response during worship on Sunday.

On behalf of the Council,


In addition to this,  there are several meetings coming up in preparation for the Discipleship Hour and Sunday School Shift happening on September 8th.:

Parent Meeting, August 25th, 12:00pm – ALL parents are encouraged to attend and hear from Jennifer and David+ about the changes and new routines that will be put into effect in the Children and Youth Ministries starting September 8th.

Children’s Chapel Planning Mtg., August 24th, 9:00am

Discipleship Hour Planning Mtg., August 25th, 12:00pm

Discipleship Hour/ Sunday School Shift, September 8th, 9:00am – The Sunday School, Youth, and Adults will all be meeting at 9:00am in order to use this hour as the primary place where we come to “Learn Christ Together” (the Nursery will also be open during this time). The three classes offered for adults will be:

    1. Introduction to the Catechism
    2. Growing Compassionate Kids (for parents AND grandparents)
    3. Study of the Book of James.

Be thinking about which class would like to sign up for! More details to come soon.

“but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.”

-Isaiah 40:31