Week of Sunday, January 5th, 2020

Happy New Year to you all! In this week’s Update you will find information on the following (more details on each of these below):

  1. Discipleship Hour Classes Begin Sunday!
  2. Youth New Years Event
  3. Women’s Retreat in February
  4. Guatemala Mission Trip
  5. Diocesan Regional Retreat

Discipleship Hour Classes Begin Sunday!

Beginning this Sunday, January 5th, the following Discipleship Hour classes will be offered at 9:00am, for the 8 weeks leading up to Lent. Click HERE  to sign up for a class if you haven’t already!

Track 1. Anglican Ethos – led by Fr. Brian Campbell. This is part of our Membership Track at CtR, so if you are interested in exploring membership at Christ the Redeemer, we highly encourage you to attend!

Track 2. “What Did You Expect?”, a Marriage Class – led by Janis Campbell & Matt and Jill Branch.  They will be going through a study by Paul Tripp called, “What Did You Expect?” (Redeeming the Realities of Marriage).  There will be a 20 minute video followed by discussion.  Participants are welcome to purchase the book on Amazon (but not required). There will be six commitments made in the class; the first being:  “We will give ourselves to a regular lifestyle of confession and forgiveness.”

Track 3. Jesus on Every Page: Reading the Old Testament with the Church Fathers – led by A.J. Nolte. For the earliest Christians, the Old Testament wasn’t seen as an impediment to knowing Christ, but rather as proof of His divine, redemptive presence in history. This class will delve into the methods by which the church fathers read the Old Testament, preparing both their hearts and minds to find Jesus on every page.

**If you are interested in attending one of these classes, please sign up HERE ,  or on the sign-up sheet located on the whiteboard in Fellowship Hall, so the leaders know how many people to expect. Thank you!**

Youth New Year’s Event

Youth, save the date for a New Year’s Bash with The Mission Church this Sunday evening, 6:00- 8:00pm. Plan to bring a friend! Parents, there will be a quick meeting afterwards about Camp Booyah, from 8:00-8:15pm so please stick around after you pick up your kids.

Women’s Retreat in February

All women are invited to CtR’s Annual Women’s Retreat happening February 21st – February 23rd, 2020, at Chanco at the James Retreat Center! It is not too late to sign up!! The registration form can be found in the Women’s Retreat brochures located at the Welcome Table and the Usher’s stand. Please return the form and your $60 deposit as soon as possible!

Guatemala Mission Trip

CtR will be sending out a small team from January 16th to 19th to work with an Anglican church by the same name in Guatemala! Christ the Redeemer Guatemala is a church which serves a population with severe material and spiritual needs both at their city dump village church and at their suburban church. Fr. David Watts, Dory Zimermann, Mark Beers, and Brad Embry will be going to CtR Guatemala to make this initial trip and hopefully begin to establish an ongoing relationship between our two congregations. Please pray for their preparations over the next two weeks!

Diocesan Regional Retreat

The Diocese of Christ Our Hope’s 2020 Regional Retreat is fast approaching! Check out this video from Bishop Steve Breedlove for more information about the 2020 Regional Retreats. Just FYI, our church is in the Southeast region of the Diocese, which means that the retreat will be on February 13-15. To register, click here.

“Almighty God, you have poured upon us the new light of your incarnate Word: Grant that this light, kindled in our hearts, may shine forth in our lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

– Collect for The First Sunday of Christmas (BCP 2019)