Week of Sunday, November 10th, 2019

In this week’s Update you will find information on the following (more details on each of these below):
  1. Pray for Convocation and Synod
  2. Special Request for Sunday
  3. Preparing for Advent
  4. Final Week for Operation Christmas Child
  5. Save the Date!

Pray for Convocation and Synod

Please keep our clergy and members of the congregation (Sharon, Ryan, and Jordan) in your prayers as they attend the Diocese of Christ our Hope’s annual Convocation and Synod this Thursday through Saturday. The Convocation topic is “the worship of the church”, and it will be a time of worship and fellowship as they celebrate what God has done and where he is leading the Diocese. Please also pray for Bishop Steve’s granddaughter Beatrice Rose who will be having open heart surgery today.

And just FYI, Sharon Reyes will be “retiring” from the Diocesan Council. She was one of three elected members representing the Southeast Region on the Council. Thank you, Sharon, for your service to the Diocese!

Special Request for Sunday

Knox is having their annual “Kirkin’ o’ the Tartan” service this Sunday. Since this is a very special service for Knox, and usually their largest attended service of the year, we will be making the following two changes this Sunday:

  1. The two discipleship hour classes that were meeting downstairs are moving upstairs. The “Daily Office Space” class will be in Fellowship Hall, and “Stewardship” will meet in Fr. Brian’s office.
  2.  Try to avoid parking in the grass parking lot (if possible). Instead, plan to park on 36th street or one of the other side streets.

Thank you for helping us show love to the Knox congregation by respecting their requests for this special Sunday!

Preparing for Advent

The wonderful season of Advent is just around the corner! This year we will not be having Saturday evening services during Advent. Instead we will all gather during Discipleship Hour at 9:00am to learn how to observe Advent both individually and as a family. Plan to attend this four week class, beginning December 1st (the Sunday after Thanksgiving!).

Speaking of Thanksgiving, for hospitality hour on December 1st we will be having a “leftover pie” Sunday! Which means there will not be a group of people assigned to bring the food that day, instead we are asking that you bring any of your delicious Thanksgiving leftovers that you would like to share. 🙂 

Final Week for Operation Christmas Child

Don’t forget to fill up your boxes for Operation Christmas Child because this is the last week to do so! All of the information is in Fellowship Hall for you to take home and fill a box together with your family. The boxes, along with $9 for shipping, will need to be returned by next Sunday, November 17th.  You can give the $9 online or make your check payable to Samaratan’s Purse with a note in memo line: “for Operation Christmas Child”. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Brown at brownie7506@yahoo.com .

Save the Date!

Preschool Parents (P2) – Tuesday, November 12th and Tuesday, December 10th, 10:00am

Annual General Meeting – Sunday, December 8th, 12:00pm. This meeting will include electing three new Leadership Council members: one for a 1-year term, and two for a 3-year term. If you would like to nominate someone for the Council, please send an email to ctrsec@gmail.com. The requirement is that they must be confirmed and a member of CtR. 

Christmas Eve Service  – Tuesday, December 24th, 4:45pm (decorating) and 5:00pm (service begins)

Christmas Day Service – Wednesday, December 25th, 9:00am 

“Gracious and everliving Father, you have given the Holy Spirit to abide with us for ever: Bless, we pray, with the Holy Spirit’s grace and presence, the Bishop(s), Priests, Deacons, and all the Laity who assemble in your Name; that your Church, being preserved in true faith and godly discipline, may fulfill the will of him who loved her and gave himself for her, your Son Jesus Christ our Savior; who now lives and reigns with you and the same Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
– Prayer for a Provincial or Diocesan Convention or Synod (p. 647, BCP 2019)