Week of Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

Happy Reformation Day and All Hallow’s Eve to you all!

In this week’s Update you will find information on the following (more details on each of these below):

    1. Turn Your Clocks Back
    2. Episcopal Visit this Weekend
    3. Youth Group at the Gyorfi’s
    4. Operation Christmas Child

Turn Your Clocks Back

Daylight saving time ends this weekend, which means that we “fall back” and gain an hour (woohoo!). So make sure to turn your clocks back an hour before you go to sleep on Saturday night… or leave them if you want to make sure to get to Discipleship Hour on time. 🙂

Episcopal Visit this Weekend

We have the great privilege of having Bishop Steve Breedlove of the Diocese of Christ Our Hope with us this Friday through Sunday! Bp. Steve will be meeting with the Leadership Council and Staff Team on Saturday morning, and then with each of the candidates for confirmation and baptism on Saturday evening. Then, on All Saints Sunday we will have a worship service to include the eight baptisms and confirmations! After the service, there will be a reception during hospitality hour, and a time for Q & A with Bp. Steve.

We hope you will attend and participate in the service and reception this Sunday. Please be praying God’s blessing over the entire weekend, and for the following candidates:

    • To be baptized: Lachlan Caldwell, Mildred Caldwell, and Zhenyu Wang
    • To be confirmed: Sarah Beers, Samara Brown, Justin Seligman, and Sydney Seligman.
    • To be reaffirmed in their faith: George Adomako Kumi

Just a reminder to all the parents: we are encouraging elementary-aged kids (those in Children’s Chapel) to remain in the service with their families as there will not be a Children’s Chapel on Sunday. The Nursery and Preschool Chapel will continue as normal.

Youth Group at the Gyorfi’s

The Youth group will be meeting at the Gyorfi’s house (460 Hariton Ct., Norfolk) this Sunday evening, 6:00pm – 8:00pm. All youth are invited, and encouraged to bring a buddy! For more information contact Fr. David  (revdavidwatts@gmail.com).

Operation Christmas Child

Don’t forget to grab a box and brochure and participate in Operation Christmas Child! All of the information is in Fellowship Hall for you to take home and fill a box together with your family. The boxes, along with $9 for shipping, will need to be returned by November 17th.  You can give the $9 online or make your check payable to Samaratan’s Purse with a note in memo line: “for Operation Christmas Child” (the brochures located in the Fellowship Hall also have this information listed). If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Brown at brownie7506@yahoo.com .

“Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical Body of your Son: Give us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those ineffable joys that you have prepared for those who truly love you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting.Amen.
– Collect for All Saints’ Day, November 1 (p. 633, BCP 2019)