- New Discipleship Hour Classes Begin!
- Church Directory Photos: Two More Weeks
- Youth Social on October 26th
- Operation Christmas Child
New Discipleship Hour Classes Begin!
This Sunday we have the following two new 6-week Discipleship Hour classes, which will be meeting downstairs in the Knox classrooms:
“Stewardship” – Led by Sarah Beers, Dan and Ray Inman, and Emelie Thomas. This class will broadly discuss stewardship as a way of life, and not simply financial stewardship. Stewardship means that we, as followers of Christ, should have a posture toward living in a generous way. The book Giving Up by Canon David Roseberry will be used as a guide so it would be helpful (but not required) to have a copy of the book. Click here to purchase on Amazon.
“Daily Office Space” – Led by Brad Embry and Bruce Harper. This will be a conversation based on the Daily Office from the previous week, decorated with flair about application, culture, and life in general.
The 12-week ”Introduction to the Catechism” class will continue, and will be meeting upstairs in the office space. If you are interested in attending one of these classes and have not signed up already, click the following link to do so: Discipleship Hour Sign Up. Thank you!
Church Directory Photos: Two More Weeks
Thank you to everyone who has come to have their pictures taken for the new photo directory! As of Sunday, we did not have anyone signed up for Saturday (10/19), so we will not be photographing that day. If you still need to have your picture taken, there are two Sundays left (10/20 and 10/27) For those that would like to have their picture taken this Sunday (10/20) and have not previously signed up, send an email to the church office (ctrsec@gmail.com) letting us know your name and the number of family members to be included. Please disregard the time slots on the sign up sheet – we will be taking pictures IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING the service until complete. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Lea Hanna Dickens at leahannadickens@gmail.com or (850) 375-6421.
Youth Social on October 26th
All youth in 6th-12th grade are invited to the next Youth Social event happening on Saturday, October 26th, 5:00 – 8:00pm. The youth group will be going to the “A-MAIZE-ING” corn maze at Bergey’s Bread Basket in Chesapeake! After Bergey’s, there will be a hang-out time at the Embry’s house. Parents, please see David+ to sign permission forms for this event.
Operation Christmas Child
Keep up the good work filling up the boxes for Operation Christmas Child! If you haven’t already, please grab a box and a brochure from the Fellowship Hall to take home and fill the box together with your family. The boxes, along with $9 for shipping, will need to be returned by November 17th. You can give the $9 online or make your check payable to Samaratan’s Purse with a note in memo line: “for Operation Christmas Child” (the brochures located in the Fellowship Hall also have this information listed). We will not be filling the boxes at the church. This is different than how we have done it in the past, so if you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Brown at brownie7506@yahoo.com .
“Set us free, loving Father, from the bondage of our sins, and in your goodness and mercy give us the liberty of that abundant life which you have made known to us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.”