In this Update you will find information on the following (more information on each of these found below):
- Meal Train for Windham Family
- ‘Discipleship Hour’ continues
- Spurgeon Memorial Open House and Reception
- Youth Kick-off Event
- ‘Newcomer’s Welcome’ Event, September 22
- Alpha, September 26
- Preschool Parents, September 24th
- FISH at Home: International Student ministry needs host families!
Welcome, Baron Windham IV!
Continue to pray for Baron and Laken Windham as they rest, recover, and settle into a new routine with their precious baby boy. If you would like to help support the Windhams by providing a meal, please sign up through the meal train found at this link:
THIS SUNDAY September 15
‘Discipleship Hour’ continues at 9:00 am for all children, youth and adults! It is never too late to join in on a class seeking to develop the ‘mind of Christ’. A list of the Discipleship Hour classes can be found on our website, at this link: Discipleship Hour.
SPURGEON Memorial Baptist Church Reception, immediately after worship on Sunday. The Leadership Council continues to prayerfully discern God’s leading towards a more permanent place for our community. Spurgeon remains a possibility. We are invited to join their congregation after worship for a reception, tour and time to pray for both our churches. All are welcome! Spurgeon’s address is 5520 Tidewater Dr. in Norfolk, 23509.
YOUTH Kick Off “The Olympics” is happening on Sunday from 6 to 8pm! Bring a friend and a change of clothes! Check out the following video for more info., and pray for no egg-sized hail! Video: Youth Kick Off Fall 2019
‘New to Christ the Redeemer?’
You are invited to attend a reception at the Campbell’s house (7324 Elvin Court) next Sunday, September 22 from 3 to 5pm. Refreshments will be served and children are welcomed! Please RSVP to Janis ( if you plan to come.
Missional Opportunities:
Alpha – Know anyone who may be asking questions about life, meaning, and God, or does this describe you yourself? Get in touch with Janis, Angela, David or your Life Group leader about joining our next Alpha Course, starting on September 26th. For 8 weeks we will explore these questions together.
Preschool Parents (P2) – CtR is starting a group specifically for parents of kids ages 4 and under. The first meeting will be on Tuesday, September 24th, 10 – 11:30am, and will meet monthly on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Coffee and childcare will be provided! Contact Dani Adams if you/your kids can attend, or RSVP through the Facebook event page.
FISH-at-Home: International Student ministry is looking for host families to welcome 3 or 4 students into their home for a meal either Friday September 20th or Saturday September 21st. Contact Kurnia Foe at if you’re able to help out!
“Heavenly Father, in you we live and move and have our being: We humbly pray you so to guide and govern us by your Holy Spirit, that in all the cares and occupations of our life we may not forget you, but may remember that we are ever walking in your sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”