Children’s Ministry Update
This Sunday we will implement some of the fall changes to our Children’s Program.
For Parents of Nursery and Toddler-aged Children:
We have a new computerized check in system. This system allows us to print name tags when your child is checked in. Please check your Nursery or Toddler-aged child (0-4 years old) into the system before the service starts, from 10:00-10:15am, even if they start out in the service with you. When you arrive at the table, the volunteer will look up your family name, check your child in, and you will be given a sticker for your child, and a sticker for you to show at check-out time. You will return to the Nursery door at the Passing of the Peace and show them your ticket, then take your child by the table and to be checked out of the system.
Note: when Discipleship Hour starts on September 8th, the check-in time for babies through preschool age kids will be from 9:45-10:00am. You will not have to check them out from Discipleship Hour and then back in for the worship service.
For Parents of Toddler through Elementary-aged Children:
The second change deals with how our Toddler through Elementary School kids will exit the service. We are making this switch as a part of our new Children’s Chapel and Preschool Chapel which will begin next Sunday, September 8th. In the past our children have left on their own, or been escorted by a parent during the second half of the gradual (the song played before and after the Gospel reading). Starting this Sunday, when the acolyte and Gospel reader make their way to the center aisle during the first part of the song, the children will gather at the back of the church at the end of the center aisle to listen to the Gospel reading. The younger toddler and preschool age children will need a parent with them. At the end of the reading there will be a blessing said over them and then they will process out behind the acolyte to Children’s or Preschool chapel. Preschool aged children, age 2-4, will be met in the hallway by their teacher and taken along to class from there so that the parents can return to the service. Preschool aged children still need to be picked up during the Peace. The older children will process back in during the Peace.
Check out the Children’s Ministry page to read a full update from Jennifer about everything that’s happening this Fall Semester!
Discipleship Hour Starting Next Sunday!
Plan to attend one of these classes next Sunday at 9:00am. If you haven’t already signed up for a class, please register using the insert in the bulletin on Sunday. Or you can send an email with your class choice to Sydney at
- Introduction to the Catechism: “To Be a Christian” – “To Be a Christian” is the Anglican Church’s comprehensive statement of our Common Faith, the very foundation of our common life. This class will give an overview of the catechism and will be offered every year in the Fall. The hope is that all associated with Christ the Redeemer, through this course, will be given the opportunity to develop a ‘common mind’—the mind of Christ! If you have not yet ‘walked through the Catechism’, you are strongly encouraged to do so now! This will be a 12-week class.
- Growing Compassionate Kids Helping Kids See Beyond Their Backyard will be a study offered for parents, grandparents, and other interested caregivers. The book they will be using is by the same name and is written by Jan Johnson. It is available on Amazon. This book will give advice to help grow children as Disciples of Christ –disciples who care about others and seek justice in the world . What greater Legacy could we leave our children? This will be a 6-week class.
- Study of the Book of James – Pete Fraser will lead this inductive Bible study on the Book of James. The Book of James is an epistle that addresses suffering, temptation, talk, wisdom, worldliness, and prayer. There will be plenty of solid instruction for all who want to live faithfully for our Lord. This will be a 6-week class.
Open House and Reception at Spurgeon
We have been invited by Spurgeon Memorial Baptist Chruch to attend an Open House and Reception on Sunday, September 15th, after the worship service. This will provide an opportunity for those who haven’t yet seen the building to tour the site. Please continue to pray for wisdom and discernment regarding a new home from CtR.
New to Christ the Redeemer?
Father Brian and Janis Campbell will be hosting a Newcomer’s “Meet and Greet” for all newcomers and visitors on September 22nd from 3:00 – 5:00 pm. Their address is 7324 Elvin Court in Norfolk. Refreshments will be served, and children are welcome. Please RSVP to Janis at if you plan to attend!
“Let your continual mercy, O Lord, cleanse and defend your Church; and, because it cannot continue in safety without your help, protect and govern it always by your goodness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.“
-Collect for Proper 16 (BCP 2019)