Happy Father’s Day weekend to all of you who are fathers or have fathers! On Sunday we will also be celebrating baptisms as well as Trinity Sunday. Trinity Sunday marks the beginning of the last season of the liturgical year and celebrates the glorious mystery of the triune nature of our God.
Here are other events coming up this weekend and over the summer:
Pray for Alpha Retreat: June 14-15
The Alpha classes have drawn to a close, and will be culminating with the Alpha Retreat tomorrow and Saturday. Please be praying that the Holy Spirit would move and those who attend would be drawn into the Kingdom.
Baptisms this Sunday
We have the great privilege of getting to celebrate eleven baptisms on Sunday, while also renewing our own baptismal vows! Alleluia!
Ordination and Confirmations on June 30th
We are planning for a BIG day on June 30th, with the ordination of Deacon David Watts, as well as eight Confirmations! Since we are expecting a larger crowd, it would be helpful for us to have a headcount in order to ensure adequate seating. Be on the look-out for an email next week asking for information to help us with planning. Thank you!
Looking Ahead to Fall
All of the major planning of events for the fall Discipleship Hour, Sunday School, and Children’s Church have taken place. This will be communicated to everyone in the middle of August, beginning with a Congregational Meeting (most likely on August 18th). The shift will begin on September 9th. Stay tuned for more details!
Looking forward to celebrating with you all this Trinity Sunday!