As we near the end of Lent and anticipate the wonders of Holy Week, here are some of the things to note:
First, Some ENDINGS:
Our LAST Saturday Evening Prayer Service takes place on Saturday, April 8 from 5:00 -6:00 pm. If you have not yet had the chance to attend one of these wonderfully quiet, reflective times of prayer, I urge you to do so Saturday.
Our LAST Session of ‘Theology of the Family’ takes place on Sunday, April 9 beginning at 9:00 am SHARP! Please note: we will begin the DVD at 9:05 am and end our discussion by 9:45 am so that we can prepare the space for the Liturgy of the Palms.
Second, Holy Week begins on Sunday with the ‘Procession of the Palms’.
Please gather in the Fellowship Hall by 10:00 am as we will begin the Liturgy at 10:15 sharp!
We then will listen to the multi-voice reading of Matthew’s Passion to set the frame for the week ahead.
Third, Remember the dates and times of the rest of our Services during Holy Week:
Maundy Thursday, April 13 beginning at 6:00 pm in Knox’s Fellowship Hall. Please RSVP to the EVITE that was sent out this week. Here is the link, in case you need it: Maundy Thursday Dinner
Good Friday, Reflections on John’s Passion, April 14 at 6:00 pm. The Cross is at the center of the Story, and we gather to be re-centered in God’s covenantal love and fierce passion.
Holy Saturday, April 15 — Morning Prayer at 9:00 am followed by the setting of the Chancel for Easter Day. All are welcomed (many hands make light work!).
Easter Day, April 16—Our Celebration of the Resurrection begins with the ‘Flowering of the Cross’ Please remember to bring in some cut flowers to give to the children to add to the flowering. Children (and the flowers!) need to be in Fellowship Hall by 10:00 am.
Looking forward to a great beginning of Holy Week.