We were blessed by a glorious Holy Week–culminating in a joyful Easter celebration! God drew nearly 170 to worship his Son in our space–the largest gathering in our history. I am grateful that his presence sparked such joy in our midst.
The good news is–Eastertide lasts 50 days! We have much to celebrate, and much to learn, as we live into the new creation Jesus’ resurrection has birthed. Let me remind you about some of the things happening this week:
First, ourWomen’s Retreat takes place this weekend (April 21-23) at Camp Chanco. The focus of the retreat is on ‘forgiveness’. Please pray for those who lead and for those who attend the retreat that God would bless their time and increase their ability to forgive as they have been forgiven.
Second, a new session of‘Discipleship Hour’ begins on April 30 (9:00-10:00 am). In addition to the continuing programs for Youth and Children, we will offer two options for adults:
‘Exploring Membership at Christ the Redeemer’: If you have been drawn by God into this community, and/or you have been considering being Confirmed into the Anglican Communion, then you are encouraged to participate in this class. (It is also open to any who wish to ‘refresh’ their memory of it!)
‘The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story’: The Scriptures are the ‘Story of the World’ and the foundation of our lives. We need to grasp the sweep of the Story, and how we are invited to live within it, if we are to become the people we were created to be. This promises to be one of the core courses of our developing catechetical process. All of us will at some time be encouraged to take it! All of us are encouraged to do so now!
It would be extremely helpful if you could tell us your intentions regarding the classes (to aid in our preparing materials and assigning appropriate spaces, etc). A sign-up sheet has been set on the podium near the entrance to the sanctuary (or you could email Georgia at ctrsec@gmail.com).