Dear Friends
This heat makes me wish to be back in Rwanda! (low 80’s, no humidity- paradise). If you were present at worship last Sunday you got a taste of the excitement we brought back from Africa. The goal was to deepen our relationship with our sister parish and discover a direction for our future together. God was graciously present through it all and we came home with a very clear idea as to how best we can partner with Mbyo in helping them develop and grow. More on this in the days and weeks ahead.
On a pastoral front, I ask for your prayers for Charles Jenkins. Charles had major surgery a few weeks ago and while the news is good (no cancer) the recovery is slow and discouraging. Pray for God’s strength for Charles and comfort for Carolyn.
On a pastoral front, I ask for your prayers for Charles Jenkins. Charles had major surgery a few weeks ago and while the news is good (no cancer) the recovery is slow and discouraging. Pray for God’s strength for Charles and comfort for Carolyn.
On a celebratory note, please mark your calendars now for Sunday September 14. That is the day when Bishop Steve Breedlove will ordain Nile Gomez to the diaconate (Steve will be with us the entire weekend — more on that next week). This will be the second such ordination we have been privileged to host (John Mabus being the other). As we did with John, we would like to do for Nile; if you would like to honor Nile by donating towards the cost of his clergy apparel (shirts, collars, robes, stoles), please make the checks out to ‘Christ the Redeemer’ and put ‘Nile Gomez’ in the notation line.
Enjoy the heat. I look forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.
Peace be with you all.
Brian Campbell