Luke tells us that “Jesus set his face to go to Jerusalem” indicating both his commitment and resolve that issued in action. At this stage of Lent we too ‘set our faces to go to the Cross,and through it to Easter”. Settle that intention and resolve within you and know that God will accompany you as you ‘step’ into action.
Here are some of the things you need to know this week:
First, we continue with our ‘Lenten Book Discussion’ on Sunday beginning at 9 am. Read the first chapter of Rebecca Knoyndyk DeYoung’s Glittering Vices and come ready to share. We meet in the Ministry Room next to the Women’s restroom.
Second, our Missions Group has accepted the invitation to provide the meal for FISH- the weekly gathering of International Students on Friday nights at CrossRoads Church. Our date is Friday, March 4 (theme is ‘Game Night’ so bring along a board game as part of the evening’s fun). Hank Thompson is heading up this venture. More information may be found on the web site ( and in the bulletin on Sunday, or you can go to this link to sign up.
Third, ‘Thank You’ for your prayers and encouragement this week. Janis and I drove up to Ambridge, PA on Sunday and successfully defended my D.Min. dissertation on Monday morning (and made it back safely that evening in front of a major ice storm). All that is left are some minor revisions and formatting issues. I am blessed.