We are nearing the mid-point of our Lenten season. I pray that your new disciplines are beginning to take root and to bear fruit in your life. This is the time to bear down and persevere, trusting in the Spirit’s (and if we are wise, with our ‘brother or sister’s) assistance.
Here are some of the things you need to know this week:
First, ‘Update on Park Place School’s Request’ to share our space will take place during ‘Coffee Hour’ after worship. We will meet in the sanctuary share what is going on and receive any questions or comments you wish to make.
Second, Our Night to help with the International Student Ministry at ODU has been set for Friday, March 4. We have been asked to supply the meal for this gathering and then stick around for ‘Game Night’ –a fun way of meeting some of the students. You can sign up online (perfectpotluck.com, login: CtR password: games) or in person on Sunday. For more information please contact Hank Thompson (hthompjr@gmail.com).
Third, Jennifer wants to encourage all of our children to continue raising funds for Rwanda through their ‘service’ at home (all of those extra chores around the house). A great way to train up our children in the ways of ‘giving and receiving’.
Fourth, Holy Week is approaching fast! Please reserve the dates and times for this most important week in the churches life (Passion Sunday is March 20; Maundy Thursday is March 24- service at 6 pm; GoodFriday is March 25- service at 6 pm; and Easter Day is March 27). Note: We will be having a dinner as part of our Maundy Thursday worship. When the ‘invitation’ is announced, please do your best to RSVP as soon as possible to aid in the set-up and planning.
Have a great week. I look forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.