Week of June 27 of Pentecost

Dear Friends

I am writing to you this week from the ACNA Assembly in Latrobe PA (home of Arnold Palmer for all the golf fans out there). It has been a great few days with wonderful teaching and worship and opportunities to connect with friends old and new (The Canadians are here as well. We’ve run into the man who married us and whom we have not seen in 28 years, among others!) It has been fun and helpful at the same time.

A few things to draw to your attention this week:

First, we will have a Pot Luck lunch after worship this week. Please plan now on staying and bring something to share. We will have a chance to report on the Assembly as well as the chance to get to know one another.

Second, our Yard Sale to help defray the cost for our Rwandan trip in late July takes place on July 5. While we do hope to make some money, one other purpose for doing this is to meet some of our neighbors around Knox. What we need now though are items to sell (remember, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure). Please take a moment and look around your house and see if there are things you wish to donate for the sale. Please contact Cheryl (757-226-8700) if you wish to drop off the items between 10 am and 2 pm on Tuesday through Thursdays, or Jordon O’Byrne (jordanobyrne7788@gmail.com) if you need to arrange a different day or time to do so.

Third, there has been a change of dates for Nile Gomez’ ordination to the diaconate and Bishop Steve Breedlove’s parish visit. The visit takes place on September 12-14 with the ordination taking place at our Sunday worship. It will be a great way to jumpstart our fall season.

Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.

Brian Campbell
Rector of Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church