Here are some of the things you need to know as we continue our Lenten Journey towards Easter:
‘Wisdom and Wonder: Exploring Beauty and Faith for Artists and Amateurs‘ continues this Saturday, March 14 from 10 – 11:30 am. If you need the readings for the session please email Emily at ’’.
Lenten Ministry Opportunities:
Ghent Area Ministry is hosting a ‘Clothing Drive’ for their Clothes Closet. Gently used, clean clothing (especially for men) may be brought to the church throughout Lent (Collection box is near the coat racks in the hallway)
Park Place School is sponsoring a fundraiser on Tuesday, March 24 called ‘Eating Out for Education’. Plan now on eating out at one or more of the six participating restaurants that day and a portion of your bill will be donated to the school (see link or posters at church for further details).
Holy Week Preparations:
Holy Week Schedule – please check out our Calendar for dates and times for all the services for this week of weeks.
Palm/Passion Sunday – if you would like to participate in the Multi-voice Passion reading, please contact Nile Gomez (
Maundy Thursday Dinner – if you would like to help with the set-up, food prep, and clean-up for our dinner that night, please contact Nile Gomez (
Easter Lilies– if you would like to contribute towards the purchase of our Easter Lilies this year please make your checks out to CtR and put ‘Easter Lilies’ on the memo line.
Lectionary Readings for Fourth Sunday of Lent:
Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 107:1-3,17-22; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21
Looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday.